Technology Driven Practice of Law


The firm utilizes technology to provide cutting edge legal services to our clients. Our favorite applications and technology are also shared with you to make your life easier. Here are some of our favorite applications that we use to make our law practice more cost-effective and convenient for our clients:

Smokeball Logo


Smokeball is our firm’s case management software or “CMS.” The CMS allows us to communicate with our clients, keep track of important deadlines, and share files via Cloud.

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hello fax

The practice of law is still in the stone age and a fax machine is still required. Fortunately, there are services such as HelloFax. HelloFax allows us to electronically send and receive faxes through a cost-effective web-based application.


Signal Private Messenger

We value our client’s privacy. Signal Private Messenger is used to exchange attorney-client communications via text message. Signal is a free phone-based application that allows for encrypted text messaging without any standard text messaging fees. At the outset of representation, we will highly encourage every client to download Signal onto their phone and utilize it when exchanging text messages with us.


google voice

Google Voice eliminates our need for a physical land line. Google Voice creates a virtual telephone number that is used by the firm. When our clients call us, calls are forwarded to a cell phone and voicemails are automatically transcribed and saved.


PDF Nitro

PDF Nitro allows for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) which reduces our time required to review large amounts of documents. Key words are utilized to quickly identify relevant information. PDF Nitro also allows us to send our clients documents for electronic signature. There is no longer a need for us to print and mail most documents for signature. Our clients simply e-sign and submit them back to us. While some legal documents will always require a wet signature, PDF Nitro helps us reduce paper waste.